The Newton church of Christ is a group of disciples dedicated to following the New Testament for our beliefs and practices (Colossians 3:17). This means we strive to rightly divide the word, making proper application without addition or subtraction (2 Timothy 2:15; Revelation 22:18, 19).
As a congregation we engage in the three areas of work revealed in the Bible for local churches.
- Teaching the lost (Mark 16:15, 16)
- Edifying the saints (Ephesians 4:11-16)
- Benevolence for needy saints (Acts 11:27-30)
We take the heart the command to preach the gospel (Mark 16:15, 16). The goal is to help save souls by teaching men and women about the Savior and His will for them. We are not ashamed to declare the distinctive gospel of Christ that stands in sharp contrast to the world (Romans 1:16). If you are a lover of truth, you will find a group of like-minded people among us.
Our services are designed mainly to strengthen the members of the church, with an emphasis on study of God’s word. Application is made to our lives so we may be more like our Lord.
We worship God in Spirit and Truth (John 4:23, 24). This means we engage in the activities of worship found in the gospel. Each first day of the week we sing, pray, give, study, and partake of the Lord’s Supper (Colossians 3:16; Ephesians 5:19; Acts 2:42; 1 Corinthians 16:1, 2; Matthew 26:26-29).
In our assemblies you will witness simple, reverent devotion to our Lord; an experience not found in most modern churches.
Bible Classes
Our Bible classes are focused on the study of God’s word (Acts 17:11). We say this because many churches now focus on self-help style teaching that is more appropriate for a business setting than Bible class. Our classes are in-depth studies of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, with practical application for our lives. Depending on the study, we may be convicted, encouraged, admonished, enlightened, or motivated… or all of them.
The Newton church of Christ is organized according to the New Testament as an independent congregation of God’s people (Acts 20:28). We have shepherds (elders) who lead us (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-4). One of the shepherds also serves as the preacher (1 Timothy 5:17, 18).
Members of the congregation live in Newton, Hickory, Conover, Maiden, Claremont, Denver, Gastonia, and other places. We assemble together on Sunday mornings for Bible class and worship and Wednesday evenings for Bible classes.
The congregation is led by four elders (pastors, cf. Titus 1:5-7): Clint Dean, Ron Mayfield, John McIntosh, and Steven Deaton (who also serves as the full-time preacher). We are also blessed with deacons: Mike Morgan and Zach Youngblood.
Members Drive From A Wide Area To Assemble With Us

Members of the Newton church of Christ value the benefit of assembling for worship and Bible study (Psalm 122:1). Some drive an hour plus on Sunday mornings and Wednesdays evenings to join with others in service to the Lord. This type of commitment is what discipleship is about and a great encouragement to fellow saints (Matthew 16:24).