Steven Deaton - February 20, 2022
Think On Pure Things
Scripture References: Philippians 4:8
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CloseBefore becoming a Christian, Satan holds sway in our lives (Col. 1:21). The religion of Christ is designed to break Satan's hold on us. It appeals to our mind to develop our faith (Rom. 10:17). It calls us to a life of holiness by thinking on pure things (Phil. 4:8).
Scripture References: Philippians 4:8
From Series: Sunday Sermons | More Messages from Steven Deaton
Steven Deaton
Song of Solomon 1:1-16, Song of Solomon 7:1-13, Song of Solomon 6:1-13, Song of Solomon 5:1-16, Song of Solomon 4:1-16, Song of Solomon 3:1-11, Song of Solomon 2:1-17, Song of Solomon 8:1-14
Steven Deaton
Judges 21:1-25, Judges 20:20-48, Ruth 1:1-18
Steven Deaton
1 Corinthians 5:1-8