This video is a discussion about the New Year and what to expect. One thing we ought to realize is there is uncertainty in the year ahead. There is no guarantee of tomorrow. Christ may return. We may die or live many more years. We just do not know and, therefore, should live right to be ready for anything. Further, in spite of uncertainty, we ought to make plans, especially to draw closer to the Lord.

Do you think it is important to be able to find your church in the Bible? The Bible is the inspired word of God (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) It is truth (John 17:17) It is the sole, legitimate authority in the religion of Christ (Matthew 28:18) Can you read about your church in the Bible? Most people cannot Part of a man-made religion Started long after New Testament revealed Are you a member of a church you can read about in the New Testament or one that was founded by men? Can you read the name of the church in God’s word? Are you able to find it’s organization style on a local, national, or international level? When you search the Bible can you find authority for everything you do in worship assemblies?

We hear from people who say that where they go to church the teaching is shallow. They are overwhelmed with self-help and pop-psychology sessions, but hear very little Bible teaching; there is no meat of the word. The Bible admonishes us to study the word of God (2 Tim. 2:15) and preach the word even when it cuts to the heart (2 Tim. 4:2-4). We must dig into Scripture because it has power to save souls (Rom. 1:16) Many churches are trying to outdo each other in appealing to the masses with modern facilities designed to put on a performance instead of study God’s word. They are concerned with “atmosphere” and branding, not mining the Scripture for truth that exposes sin. They are more focused on this world, not the next. If Jesus were on earth today and went into many modern churches, He would be overturning a lot of tables… or trashing drum sets and smashing guitars. Modern churches have made a mockery of worship and is more pagan than Christian. There is a solution – get back to the Bible as the sole authority (Matt. 28:18). Do not add to or take from (Rev. 22:18, 19) and be satisfied with the simple religion of Christ revealed in the New Testament (Col. 3:17). This is our aim: to be serious Bible students and have enriching classes.

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