Video Series

Plan of Salvation

This lesson examines the New Testament teaching on the plan of salvation, namely that hearing is essential. The fact that hearing the gospel is required is stated and illustrated through the book of Acts and the rest of the New Testament. Paul even wrote that faith comes by hearing the

Plan of Salvation (1): Hearing

The necessity of belief for salvation is a fundamental teaching in the New Testament (John 8:24; Mark 16:16). This saving ...Watch Now

Plan of Salvation (2): Belief

The Bible teaches we will lose our soul if we live in sin and go to Judgment without forgiveness (Gal. ...Watch Now

Plan of Salvation (3): Repentance

The Bible teaches we must confess Christ or be cast into hell (Luke 12:4-9). In other words, confession is essential ...Watch Now

Plan of Salvation (4): Confession

Baptism is disputed among men, but it is settled in God’s word. It is a fundamental doctrine (Hebrews 6;1, 2). ...Watch Now

Plan of Salvation (5): Baptism

Organization of the New Testament Church

The Bible reveals the only organization of the Church on earth is Jesus as the Head and Christians as the ...Watch Now

The organization of a local congregation is revealed in God’s word. Simply put, there are “bishops” and “deacons” along with ...Watch Now

The organization of the church matters because Jesus died for the church (Ephesians 1:22, 23). He has all authority over ...Watch Now

Work of the New Testament Church

The New Testament reveals there is specific work that a local church is to do, including teaching the lost (Mark ...Watch Now

One of three duties given a local church in the New Testament is to edify the saints (Ephesians 4:11-16). The ...Watch Now

The work of the local church is very limited in the New Testament. The main focus is teaching the lost ...Watch Now